Terms and Conditions

The main purpose of the document herein is to describe the general terms and conditions (hereafter the “Terms and Conditions”) applicable to the use of the contents included and the services offered through the website Silanes.com.mx, (hereafter the “WEBSITE”) owned by LABORATORIOS SILANES, S.A. DE C.V., (hereafter “SILANES”), for all legal purposes. “SILANES” appoints as its registered address the following: Avenida Paseo de las Palmas No. 340, 3rd floor, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, V section, Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11000, Mexico City, Mexico

The access and use of the "WEBSITE" implies the acceptance of the "Terms and Conditions" by any individual (hereinafter, "THE USER") who wishes to access and use the site and/or the services offered in it; said use must abide, at all times, to the "Terms and Conditions" detailed below; should the “USER” not accept the terms and conditions, he/she must refrain from using and/or accessing the "WEBSITE."

None of the information contained in such "WEBSITE" shall be construed as an advice or recommendation of any kind, solution or final or specific response to any health problem, nor is it intended to diagnose, recommend a treatment or prescribe the products displayed therein. Before starting, completing, modifying or stopping any treatment, "THE USER" should consult a specialized physician. At any time, "SILANES" reserves the right to modify the "Terms and Conditions", as well as the content of the "WEBSITE", without prior notice. The modifications will come into effect as soon as they are available for the public on the "WEBSITE"

The use and/or access to the "WEBSITE" by "THE USER" shall imply his/her acceptance and agreement with the changes and/or updates made to the "Terms and Conditions"

Some specific pieces of the content and services offered on the "WEBSITE" may require prior subscription and/or registration by "THE USER". The Personal Data requested for the subscription and/or registration of "THE USER" shall be subject, at all times, to the "Privacy Notice" and will be treated in agreement with the latter, which can be reviewed at Silanes.com.mx

The "WEBSITE" may be solely and exclusively used by people of legal age (18 years of age or older)

The "WEBSITE" is mainly intended to be used by people residing in the United Mexican States, therefore, when "THE USER" is a resident of a foreign country or his/her domicile is located in a country other than Mexico, he/she shall access and/or use the "WEBSITE", at all times, under his/her own responsibility, recognizing that the "WEBSITE" may omit the guidelines and/or regulations of his/her country of residency since "SILANES" can’t ensure the website fully or partially complies with other countries legislation; likewise, “THE USER” holds "SILANES" harmless from all responsibilities arising from this situation

"SILANES" may manage the "WEBSITE" directly or through a third party, which, under no circumstance, shall modify the provisions of the "Terms and Conditions"

"SILANES" will ensure that the information contained on the "WEBSITE" is correct and up-to-date; however, there might be content errors in the information, and "SILANES" will, under no circumstance, neither take responsibility for the errors and/or omissions that the "WEBSITE" may contain, nor undertake to immediately correct such errors. "SILANES" may, at any time, and without prior notice or liability, temporarily or permanently suspend, deny or terminate the use and/or access of "THE USER" regarding the "WEBSITE" as well as any other related service, product or program

Under no circumstance shall “SILANES” guarantee the availability and continuity of the “WEBSITE” operation, including, among others, its services, programs and products

he "WEBSITE" may contain links to other sites whose practices may be different from those of the "WEBSITE", so should "THE USER visit other sites, it is the responsibility of the latter to review their privacy conditions as well as their "Terms and Conditions". Under no circumstance shall "SILANES" be liable for the treatment that sites other than the "WEBSITE" give to the Personal Data of "THE USER"

Some of the sections of the "WEBSITE" might require access keys or passwords for the purpose of verifying the identity of "THE USER", who agrees that any operation correctly matched to such access keys or passwords, will be considered to have been officially carried out by "THE USER" and this latter will be, at all times, solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the access keys and/or passwords mentioned above

The misuse and unauthorized use of the pages, including, among others, the unauthorized access to "SILANES" systems is strictly prohibited

"THE USER" agrees to hold "SILANES" harmless from all responsibilities, costs and/or expenses arising from the forbidden or illegal use "THE USER" makes of the "WEBSITE", including among others, copyright, industrial property, and/or any applicable federal, state or municipal law, regulation or code infringements

"THE USER" accepts and acknowledges, among others things, that all the information, the domain, trademarks, designs, logos, files, images, text, articles, graphics, programming codes, etc., contained in the " WEBSITE" belong solely and exclusively to "SILANES" or are protected by an exclusive-use and exploitation license hold by "SILANES"; therefore, any of the above information may not be used or reproduced by any means by "THE USER" without the prior written consent from "SILANES"

For the purposes of construction and compliance with the "Terms and Conditions" regarding the use of the "WEBSITE", "THE USER" and "SILANES" agree to submit to the federal laws of the United Mexican States and, in case of controversy, they accept to submit to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Mexico City, hereby expressly waiving any other jurisdiction they might be entitled in connection with their current domiciles.